Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Past thoughts concerning Halloween...

 I wrote this to the editor of a local newspaper a few years back...

 Publication: The Vandalia Leader;Date: Oct 13,2010 Section: Commentary;

 Page: 2

  Dear Editor,
    I am writing in concern of your previous support and promotion of a holiday in which generations of Americans are embracing as traditional - Halloween. Some may find it shocking, however, that Halloween is a holiday of the Druids.  “Halloween had its origins in the festival of Samhain among the Celts”(Encyclopedia Britannica 2005)  In May 1977, the National Geographic wrote (pp.625-626),  “Halloween.  That was the eve of Samhain...firstborn children were sacrificed...Samhain eve was a night of dread and danger.”  Parents are deeming Halloween as harmless fun and fantasy, thus subtlety disarming their children of discernment of witches and the occult.  Its time to wake up!  More than 1.3 million proudly practicing witches exist in America today.  Is this any wonder when nearly every mother dresses her vulnerable little child in a witch costume thereby verifying to the child that the witches he/she saw on TV are “cool”?  Silver Raven Wolf, a witch who is the author of the book “Halloween: Customs, Recipes & Spells” says:  “Today, just about every little girl in our society, at one time or another, has chosen to costume herself as a witch...If you choose a witch’s costume this Halloween...Hold your hear up and wear your witch’s garb proudly in their honor.”  ...And some would say why not?  What inherent evil does witchcraft have?  If you are one who respects the bible, I would refer you to Lev. 20:6 which states that: “the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul.”  The original Halloween was a hellish night of Baal worship, child sacrifice and death!  A startling fact is that many of our current Halloween customs derived directly from ancient Baal worship (See “The American Book of Days” p.566).  “Baal is also a synonym for the devil.”  (Burns, Cathy.  “Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated” p.327)  As a Christian, you would know that you are to have no other gods before the great I AM.  According to the “Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience,”  “They (Druids) sacrificed victims by shooting them with arrows, impaling them on stakes, stabbing them, slitting their throats over cauldrons and drinking their blood.”  “Since they are man-eaters...and since,further, they count it an honorable thing, when their fathers die, to devour them” (Strabo, Geography).  (Other activities described in this article are to explicit to discuss.)  For the unknowing sceptic, this is a taste of the evil behind such things.  Halloween is a “Witch’s New Year”, and does not deserve observation from any decent citizen of this God-fearing nation.  I must agree with the statement that Satanic High Priestess Blanche Barton made on The Church of Satan’s web site stating that “It [Halloween] gives even the most mundane people the opportunity to taste wickedness for one night.  They have a chance to dance with the Devil.”  That chance is given to the child by the parents of the child and is promoted by the society as a whole.  Granted, trick or treating, pumpkin carving and ornaments are not the “new rage” of this society.  The Druids had thought of that as well.  Instead of jolly masked children trick or treating, they were people who claimed “to be possessed by the supernatural being”, masked behind the gods of their time.  Jack-O-Lanterns, in that day, were severed human heads.  Bats were killed so that their blood could be used for spells, rather than the dull plastic figures American’s hang in their windows.  Black cats were “embodied demons”, not fury friends.  The skulls that some like to dress their bodies with were a symbol prominently of witchcraft and demon worship as a celebration of death.  (These disturbing facts may be found in “Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated”, p.388 written by Cathy Burns.)
    Why do we celebrate a “holiday” that promotes the decay of our society, as well as our very lives?!
                                                                   Evangeline Schultz